Casino Kit Campus Nord

Eine Anmeldung erfolgt unter der E-Mailadresse: Sie erhalten dann den Zugangslink zur Vorlesung per Mail. 13:00 - 16:00 Uhr Innovative Wege im nachhaltigen Pflanzenschutz - Wissenschaft und Landwirtschaft im Dialog. Ansprechpartner Campus Nord; Bereich Titel Name Tel. E-Mail Portrait; Leitung: Dr. Stahl, Andrea +49 721 608 22068: andrea stahl Wkx0 ∂kit edu: Sekretariat: Stieber, Sabine +49 721 608-22069: sabine stieber Gdz1 ∂kit edu: Stellvertretung: Dr. Scherotzke, Alexandra +49 721 608 22030 oder 22067: alexandra scherotzke Vgg4 ∂kit edu.

The 2nd GlobTemperature User Consultation Meeting will take place in Karlsruhe, Germany from 14:00 local time on 25th to 26th June 2014 and will be hosted by KIT.

GlobTemperature is an ESA Data User Element project aimed at improving the uptake of global-scale satellite land surface temperature by the broad research and operational user communities. The project will provide state-of-the-art LST data sets, access to data sets in user-friendly formats, and innovative merged data sets

The aim of this 2nd consultation meeting is to provide a forum for the satellite Land, Ice and Lake Surface Temperature (LST / IST / LSWT) communities to share experiences and review developments in satellite retrievals and data sets. The intention is for users to be able to identify requirements for new data sets, to develop collaborations with the data providers and to identify the key uses of satellite surface temperature data. The meeting will specifically foster the international development of strategies to support the satellite land surface temperature data providers and user communities for the long term. It will conclude with an open meeting on the international LST Working Group which is being initiated through GlobTemperature and other projects.

There will be opportunities at the meeting to deliver oral/poster presentations for which participants can submit abstracts as part of the registration process. Submissions are welcome on satellite data, in situ validation and model studies with surface temperature data. Further details are available at

Preliminary UCM Programme:

The meeting is open to all who are interested in attending. There will be no fee for registration.The registration page is now open: Registration.

The 3rd EarthTemp Network Workshop on Delivering And Exploiting Surface Temperature Observations For Africa will take place at the same venue and runs from Monday 23rd to lunchtime on Wednesday 25th June. Separate registration is required for each meeting. Information on the registration for the EarthTemp Network Workshop can be found at

The conference site is Das Fortbildungszentrum für Technik und Umwelt(FTU, The Center for Advanced Technological and Environmental Training)located at Campus Nord of the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), which can be reached via public transport from downtown Karlsruhe by trams S1/S11 or S2.


·From the main railway station

  • In front of Karlsruhe main railway station take the S1 / S11 tram in the direction of 'Leopoldshafen / Hochstetten'

- S1/S11 trams run every 20 min, travelling time is 40 min

- get off the tram at stop 'Leopoldstraße' in Leopoldshafen.

  • Change onto the number 195 bus until reaching destination 'KIT Campus Nord', southern gate.

- the FTU is opposite the bus stop.

·From Karlsruhe city centre (Kaiserstraße)

  • Take the S2 tram in the direction of 'Blankenloch Nord'

- you can get onto the S2 anywhere, but the tram has to say 'Blankenloch Nord' or 'Spöck', otherwise the tram stops before getting to 'Blankenloch Nord'

- S2 trams run every 20 min, travelling time is 36 min

Casino Kit Campus Nord Sud

- get off the S2 tram at 'Blankenloch Nord'.

  • Change onto the number 195 bus until reaching destination 'KIT Campus Nord', southern gate

-the FTU is opposite the bus stop.


Casino Kit Campus Nord Anglia

Tram Timetable 2014: Interactive KVV Timetable - Karlsruhe Tram Lines:

Casino Kit Campus Nord Bruxelles

A hotel located in downtown Karlsruhe is most convenient to reach the conference site.
Search and booking tool:

  • Registration
  • Abstract-Submission