Example Slot Signal

  1. Example Slot Signal System
  2. Example Slot Signal Definition
  3. Example Slot Signal Circuit

An example of using signals and slots For example, the use of signals and slots project was created, which in the main window contains three buttons, each of which is connected to the slot and these slots already transmit a signal in a single slot with the pressed button number. Project Structure.

In this video iam going to show you how you can create Signal And Slots in Qt5 C with Practical Examples, in this we are going to introduce Signal And Slot. In this case, the signal slot connections are set automatically. In QML, you can connect and disconnect signal / slot connections using the following syntax: object1.signal.connect (object2.slot) object1.signal.disconnect (object2.slot) Signals in QML can also be connected to other signals, as is done in Qt / C. Similarly, the signal/slot system can be used for other non-GUI usages, for example asynchronous I/O (including sockets, pipes, serial devices, etc.) event notification or to associate timeout events with appropriate object instances and methods or functions. Signals Overview. A lightweight 'signals and slots' implementation using fast delegates. When GUI programming in C, delegates and the signals and slots paradigm can vastly simplify your code. It implements the Observer pattern while avoiding all the boilerplate code.

Qt5 alpha has been released. One of the features which I have been working on is a new syntax for signals and slot.This blog entry will present it.

Here is how you would connect a signal to a slot:

What really happens behind the scenes is that the SIGNAL and SLOT macros will convert their argument to a string. Then QObject::connect() will compare those strings with the introspection data collected by the moc tool.

Example Slot Signal System

What's the problem with this syntax?

While working fine in general, we can identify some issues:

  • No compile time check: All the checks are done at run-time by parsing the strings. That means if you do a typo in the name of the signal or the slot, it will compile but the connection will not be made, and you will only notice a warning in the standard output.
  • Since it operates on the strings, the type names of the slot must match exactly the ones of the signal. And they also need to be the same in the header and in the connect statement. This means it won't work nicely if you want to use typedef or namespaces

In the upcoming Qt5, an alternative syntax exist. The former syntax will still work. But you can now also use this new way of connecting your signals to your slots:

Which one is the more beautiful is a matter of taste. One can quickly get used to the new syntax.

So apart from the aesthetic point of view, let us go over some of the things that it brings us:

Compile-time checking

You will get a compiler error if you misspelled the signal or slot name, or if the arguments of your slot do not match those from the signal.
This might save you some time while you are doing some re-factoring and change the name or arguments of signals or slots.

An effort has been made, using static_assert to get nice compile errors if the arguments do not match or of you miss a Q_OBJECT

Arguments automatic type conversion

Not only you can now use typedef or namespaces properly, but you can also connect signalsto slots that take arguments of different types if an implicit conversion is possible

In the following example, we connect a signal that has a QString as a parameter to a slot that takes a QVariant. It works because QVariant has an implicit constructor that takes a QString

Connecting to any function

As you might have seen in the previous example, the slot was just declared as publicand not as slot. Qt will indeed call directly the function pointer of the slot, andwill not need moc introspection anymore. (It still needs it for the signal)

But what we can also do is connecting to any function or functor:

This can become very powerful when you associate that with boost or tr1::bind.

C++11 lambda expressions

Everything documented here works with the plain old C++98. But if you use compiler that supportsC++11, I really recommend you to use some of the language's new features.Lambda expressions are supportedby at least MSVC 2010, GCC 4.5, clang 3.1. For the last two, you need to pass -std=c++0x asa flag.

You can then write code like:

This allows you to write asynchronous code very easily.


Update: Also have a look what other C++11 features Qt5 offers.

It is time to try it out. Check out the alpha and start playing. Don't hesistate to report bugs.

I’ve been asked multiple times how I would implement a signal / slot mechanism in modern C++. Here is the answer!

What’s the Signal / Slot Pattern?

[...] a language construct [...] which makes it easy to implement the Observer pattern while avoiding boilerplate code. The concept is that GUI widgets can send signals containing event information which can be received by other controls using special functions known as slots. - Wikipedia

So basically it allows for event based inter-object communication. In my opinion it’s intuitive to use and produces easily readable code when used in a moderate amount. And the big plus: It can be added to your program with one simple template class!

There are many libraries around (refer to the linked Wikipedia article) implementing this pattern, but it’s so easy to implement on you own that I would recommend to do this without an additional dependency. All you need is the header I posted below. And it’s a good exercise.

The signal template class

Below you can find the entire class. Because this class is using variadic templates you can define signals which pass any kind of data to their slots. Basically you can create signals which allow for arbitrary slot signatures. The emit method will accept the same argument types you declared as template parameters for the Signal class. The class is documented with comments and should be quite understandable. Further below you will find two usage examples.

Simple usage

The example below creates a simple signal. To this signal functions may be connected which accept a string and an integer. A lambda is connected and gets called when the emit method of the signal is called.


When you saved the Signal class as Signal.hpp and the above example as main.cpp you can compile the example with:

And if you execute the resulting application you will get the following output:

Advanced usage

This example shows the usage with classes. A message gets displayed when the button is clicked. Note that neither the button knows anything of a message nor does the message know anything about a button. That’s awesome! You can compile this example in the same way as the first.

You may also connect member functions which take arguments (Thank you FlashingChris for pointing out how to do this without std::placeholders!). In the following example Alice and Bob may say something and the other will hear it:

Issues & next steps

There are two drawbacks in this simple implementation: It’s not threadsafe and you cannot disconnect a slot from a signal from within the slot callback. Both problems are easy to solve but would make this example more complex.

Using this Signal class other patterns can be implemented easily. In a follow-up post I’ll present another simple class: the Property. This will allow for a clean implementation of the observer pattern.

Have some fun coding events in C++!

Edit on 2020-10-19:

  • Add move-copy-constructor and move-assignment-operator
  • Add emit_for_all_but_one and emit_for methods.
  • Remove previously added std::forward.

Example Slot Signal Definition

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Example Slot Signal Circuit
