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Almost every online casino has some sort of welcome bonus to help try and persuade you to sign up and use their website rather than their competitors. With a little bit of thought and cleverness, we can take these new-player casino bonuses and convert them into withdrawable cash.

#6 LuckyLand Casino. Online sweepstakes casinos such as LuckyLand Slots offer gamblers an alternative to play sweepstakes online for money. Such sites usually adapt classic sweepstake laws and use gold coins, virtual currency items, to replace real cash. Players can convert their sweepstakes cash into real money later. To learn online casino games, to win real money we must know what kind of game we face. Each casino modality has its own rules and its own percentage of RTP, in English means return to player. WINR Games is a fun vibrant dev shop where everyone is motivated for perfection. We aim to change the way you play games and yes we finally found a way to reward our players for their love of gaming. We build fun social and mobile games that make people feel awesome for free and at the same time make money. So if you are player who wants to make money from an online casino it’d probably be best to claim a bonus now. Over $1,000 In Bonus Money Available At any given moment, a player has over 50 online no deposit casinos offering these no deposit bonuses (also known as ND bonus) ranging from $5 to $50.

But before we delve into casino bonuses, let’s talk about sportsbook bonuses. Making money from them is known as matched betting and is pretty easy and may be where you started off?

But right now because of the COVID-19 coronavirus most sports aren’t running so there aren’t that many matched betting offers available. But to try and keep customers casinos are offering better bonuses than normal. Now is a great time to try some casino bonus bagging – especially as we all need to make some more money!


Unlike Matched Betting, Casino Bonus Bagging Isn’t Risk Free

Unlike matched betting, making money from casino bonuses is not risk-free. But that doesn’t mean that they can’t be profitable and worth doing.

We call this notion EV (expected value). By using maths we can work out how much money we will make on average from the bonus. So why is that not risk-free? Because of variance. Each time we make a slightly different amount, but over the long term it averages to the EV.

If you understand what I mean then feel free to skip straight to the how casino bonuses work section.

Note: this can get quite complicated. If you want someone to explain it to you one-to-one then Oddsmonkey have an onboarding coach who will hold your hand when you sign up to their £17.99 a month service.

The Maths – How Casinos Make Money

Let’s say that we are playing a game of flip the coin, and because we’re fun people we’re also betting on it.

If we bet £1 a throw.

  • I win £1 and you lose £1 if the coin comes up heads.
  • You win £1 and I lose £1 if the coin comes up tails.

That is what we call a fair game.

There is risk – we could play 100 flips and I might lose money, or I might win money. But either way, it is just down to luck. Statistically, I am not more likely to win than to lose.

There is a 50% chance of me winning each throw, and a 50% chance of me losing each throw.

That is not what it is like in a casino. The casino has an edge.

Let’s change the rules slightly:

  • I win £1 and you lose £1 if the coin comes up heads.
  • You win £1.10 and I lose £1.10 if the coin comes up tails.

That is not a fair a game.

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There is still risk – we could play 100 flips and I might make money. But I am more likely to lose.

On each coin toss I expect to lose 5p. We use this word “expect” a lot when it comes to making money from casino bonuses. It means the average in the long-term.

Here is a very simple tree showing you how we worked out that expected loss of 5p.

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(0.5 x £1) + (0.5 x -£1.10) = -£0.05

That number becomes what is called the house edge. For every £1 we bet we expect to lose 5p.

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If we play 1,000 flips, I will have bet £1,000 and expect to lose £50 (1,000 x 5p).

The More We Play The Closer To Expected We Get

Now we get a bit more complicated. The longer I play, the more likely I am to lose money.

I am not going to explain the maths here (email me if you want to know), but over 1 coin flip my chance of walking away with a profit is 50%. The coin can either come up heads or tails.

Over 100 coin flips my chance of making a profit has dropped to 31.7%, that’s almost a 1/3rd chance which still is quite high. I might decide that I’m feeling especially lucky and take that 1/3rd chance. But over 6,000 coin flips my chance of leaving with a profit drops only 1%.

That is how a casino makes money. If there are 60 people playing at your casino and each plays the coin flip game 100 times, then each person has a 31.7% chance of leaving with a profit. But as the casino is playing 6,000 total flips it only has a 1% chance of not making a profit overall. A pretty clever business model.

What Are The House Edges Of Different Casino Games?

Now you can’t actually play our coin flip game in a casino so let’s apply this concept to two real casino games.

Roulette. Is a very basic game which almost everyone understands.


There are 36 numbers not including the zero. Of those 36 – 18 are red and 18 are black. The number zero is not red or black. Each time the wheel spins there is an equal chance that the ball will land on any of the numbers 0 – 36.

If you bet on red and it comes up, you win your stake back. So a £1 bet would win £1.

There is an 18 out of 37 chance of a red colour coming up. That means that you have a 48.6% chance of winning, and a 51.4% chance of losing.

Let’s draw that same tree we did earlier but this time for roulette:

(0.486 x £1) + (0.514 x -£1) = -£0.028

For ever £1 bet we expect to lose 2.8p. That’s the house edge.

That’s pretty low. But roulette is not the casino game with the lowest house edge. That award goes to….

Blackjack. Forget card counting or anything you’ve seen in the films, your basic blackjack is the casino game with the smallest house edge.

There are many different rule sets for blackjack, and the house edge depends both on those rules and also on how close to perfect strategy the player is playing. But most games of blackjack have a house edge of about 0.5p per £1 bet (0.5%).

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Let’s just think about that, 0.5%. That’s so low! It’s the equivalent of playing the coin flip game with the rules:

  • I win £1 and you lose £1 if the coin comes up heads.
  • You win £1.01 and I lose £1.01 if the coin comes up tails.

If we played 1,000 hands of blackjack at £1 a bet, we would have staked £1,000 and expect to lose just £5.

How Casino Bonuses Work

Thank you for sitting through all of that. Now that the basics are out the way let’s talk about the juicy stuff. How we can actually make some money from casino bonuses.

Just like with matched betting, most casinos offer new players an incentive to sign up and play at their casino.

Unfortunately, unlike with matched betting, there is no way we can hedge out our bets. But we can use this knowledge of the house edge to turn things in our favour. Provided the bonus is good, we can expect to make money.

Let’s take a look at one bonus that is currently offered by William Hill on their live casino.

To get the bonus, we need to deposit £25 and then place a series of bets that total at least £200. When we have reached that target and we contact customer service, a bonus of £25 will be added which we are then free to withdraw along with whatever is left of our initial deposit.

How We Make Money From Casino Bonuses

£200 sounds like a lot, but after what we’ve learnt about house edges and blackjack it shouldn’t sound so bad. Remember blackjack has a house edge of 0.5%.

Over £200 staked we expect to lose only £1. That means we expect to keep £24 of the bonus!

This is what we expect to happen.

  • We deposit £25 into William Hill Live casino.
  • We place 200 £1 bets. At the end, we have lost £1 and have £24 left.
  • A £25 bonus is added to our balance.
  • We withdraw our balance of £49 (£24+£25).
  • We have made a profit of £24.

But, there is risk.

There is a chance we will lose more than just £1. There is even a chance of us losing more money than the bonus is worth. If we use up all of that £25 we would need to deposit more in order to finish the staking.

We won’t go into the maths on variance. But understand this. Blackjack has a house edge of 0.5% and a standard deviation of 1.15.

That means that at a £1 bet size there is a 95% chance we will make somewhere between £7.75 and £40.25. But it also means there is a 7% chance of making a small loss.

That is the essence of making money from casino bonuses. You are simply moving the odds to your favour.

Websites like Oddsmonkey and Profit Accumulator (more on them later) have calculators for working out your variance and house edge from different casino games. They also have strategy calculators to help you play the games optimally.

Whew. So after all that explaining, the actual steps were very simple.

But we had to go into all that details because it will enable you to look at more advanced offers and take advantage of them as well. Every casino bonus has different terms and you need to be able to work out what strategy to follow to get the highest ‘expected profit’ or ev from the bonus.

Which brings us on to the hardest part of making money from casino bonuses.

Where To Find The Best Casino Bonuses

You can only do that William Hill Live casino offer once, so to continue making money you need to find some more offers.

And the unfortunate truth is for more casino bonuses it is not profitable to make money from them. You need to find the diamonds in the rough.

You can do this in exactly the same way as you would when sports matched betting. And in fact, if you have done matched betting before you will probably already know the following two choices:

  • Look through casino terms and conditions manually.

95% of people pay for a service. Compared to the EV you can make the services are cheap, they give you a curated list of offers to work through, and they point out any dangerous loopholes in the terms and conditions.

My two favourite paid for services for casino bonuses are:

  • Profit Accumulator. Free for your first few bonuses, then £19.99 a month.
  • Oddsmonkey. Free for your first few bonuses, £19.99 a month.

Nowadays they are both pretty similar with largely the same offers but different communities, website feel and customer service. They each have free accounts you can try out so I suggest signing up to both and then choosing which one you like the most.

Note: this can get quite complicated. If you want someone to explain it to you one-to-one then Oddsmonkey have an onboarding coach who will hold your hand when you sign up to their £19.99 a month service.

There Are Lots Of Different Types Of Casino Bonuses

Wow what a beast of a post!

Let’s just finish on saying that there are lots of different types of casino bonuses and all have slightly different best ways to exploit them.

By now you should understand the concept of expectedvalue and therefore making money from casino bonuses. You have a guide to tackle your first bonus and you have plenty of resources to help you research and find new offers. Good luck!


  • More details on casino wagering requirements.
  • My summer betting diary where I made £250 a week throughout the summer holidays.


What happens if I lose all of the £25 before completing the wagering requirement??

This is a very real risk and is also the reason why there is a chance of losing a small amount of money while completing the wagering requirement.

What you need to do is to deposit more money and finish the betting.

I hear people talking about ‘sticky’ bonuses or doubling up. What does that mean?

You should really join a forum and start asking people there. You are getting into some quite complicated areas with the potential to lose some large amounts of money if you make a mistake.

But in short: A sticky bonus is one that you can never withdraw. You can only withdraw the winnings. This means that the tactics we spoke about earlier don’t work. Doubling up is a technique to make money from them. You basically bet the whole bonus on red on roulette. If the bet wins you withdraw the winnings. If you lose you’ve lost the bonus which you couldn’t withdraw anyway.

What are the house odds of some other casino games?

  • Baccarat – 1.06%
  • 3-card Poker – 2.01%
  • Craps – 0.34%
  • French Roulette (you get 50% of your stake back if it lands on 0) – 1.35%
  • American Roulette (two 0s) – 5.26%
  • Slots – 3-10%. Average is about 5%.

Can I card count online blackjack?

No, you cannot. Card counting relies on the contents of the remaining cards changing as the rounds go on. In online blackjack the cards are shuffled every hand so the contents don’t change. You can do it with live blackjack – but I believe they shuffle regularly to make it more difficult. I have never tried.

I have a question that is not answered here?

Drop me an email at and I will do my best to get back to you.

Can you make money from casino bonuses while self-isolating or under quarantine?

Yes you can! It is actually a very good time to do it because you can do every step of the offer from your home.

Online sweepstakes is a very popular form of gambling among players as it offers to win easy and fast money. People from all around the world bet a certain amount of cash on these sweepstakes games online, and winners get dividends from the total amount. Sweepstakes can come in the form of giveaways, which is also purely based on luck. There are a lot of licensed sweepstakes casino websites that are supported by popular companies.

However, some websites are not legitimate and deceive people into gathering their email addresses. This article informs the audience about the most reliable online websites to enter sweepstakes. So, people can enjoy their time in an online gambling platform without worrying about the credibility of the website.

#1 Riversweeps Platinium

This online website is an excellent example of high-quality software. Currently, there are a lot of different software websites to play sweepstakes online for money. However, players search for innovative ones that also offer a high chance of winning. In this sense, Riversweeps Platinium is a thoroughly recommended online website. Transparency is one of the key qualities of this software. Gamblers can be sure about the real deals on this website. It is a licensed software where players can perform their transactions without any worries. Riversweeps provides a lot of play sweepstakes online for money, including slot games.

Sweepstakes games online usually include online slots, which are both easy and fun. There are a number of slot games that Riversweeps Platinium offer as online sweepstakes for money. White Buffalo, Wacky Billy, Space Rocks, Red Hot Chili 7’s, Thunder Strike, and Lobster Party are some of the examples of online sweepstakes for money. All online sweepstakes games in Riversweeps Platinium have attractive graphics and an amazing background sound system. This sweepstakes software ensures that gamblers enjoy their time and have a safe environment for playing sweepstakes casino games.

#2 SweepSheet Online Sweepstakes Platform

SweepSheet is a very credible sweepstakes website that lists online sweepstakes and contests for the players. Subscribers of this website receive a newsletter about recent giveaways and internet sweepstakes each week. In the newsletter, people are also informed about success tips and online sweepstakes for money that offer high winning opportunities. SweepSheet makes finding reliable and entertaining sweepstakes casino games easier for gamblers. It is one of the most popular sweepstakes sites that guarantee the legitimate process of earning money. The website offers its subscribers various sweepstakes contests to join. The cash prizes of such offers can be between $100 and $10K.

The company has been in the online gambling world for more than twenty years. It still continues to provide high-quality service to people all over the world. This website does not only offer people to earn easy money but also gives a chance to socialize. Members can chat with each other, talk about different tips and methods to win real money. Therefore, many people consider the social aspect of SweepSheet very helpful. SweepSheet offers the latest online sweepstakes and gives you the chance to try your luck. The recent sweepstakes for money on this website include Travel Channel, Lands’ End, and Frito Lay.

#3 Online Sweepstakes

This online sweepstakes casino provider is the one that ranked the best on the internet. When you search for the most popular online sweepstakes real money games, you can find this brand name in almost every article. The design of the website can be a little old school, but it is well-organized and very easy to direct. You can find all the new giveaways easily and join them. Every day between thirty and a hundred new giveaways are added to the website. Other than that, the Online Sweepstake platform lets players read the reviews and comments of other people. With the help of such posts, you can know about different experiences and also tips and strategies for online sweepstakes games.

The platform lists the games that usually offer cash prizes worth of $2K, $5K, and even $10K. The latest sweepstakes contests and giveaways on this site include different companies. Some of them are the AirMedCare Network, GateHouse Media, Shop LC, and Schewels. The winning prize for these four companies varies between $1.5K and $25K. You can sign up for the membership of this website, enjoy the recent sweepstakes offers, and earn such significant amounts of money quickly. Even if you do not check the website frequently, you will receive emails about the recent sweepstakes offers from all over the world.

#4 Advantage of Online Sweepstakes Casino Platform

Sweepstakes Advantage, also called SA, is one of the most reputable websites that offer a huge variety of online sweepstakes real money games. In order to gain access to sweepstakes displayed on this site, you need to have a free membership. It also offers premium sweepstakes games online with additional features and opportunities when you sign up for a paid membership. Sweepstakes Advantage is one of the oldest sweepstakes websites as it is operating since 1997. The contests and giveaways are updated on a daily basis, so you can find thousands of opportunities for online sweepstakes for money. Some of the online sweeps casinos opportunities it offers include Jumanji, Coca-Cola, Mc Donald’s, and Microsoft.

#5 Contest Girl

Although the design of the website is not very good, Contest Girl lets you access an abundance of information about sweepstakes online gambling. There are several categories, such as single-entry sweeps and old-entry sweeps that help you find what you want quickly. The technical staff update website every day, and it presents you with more than three thousand sweepstakes online casino offers. The offers include many opportunities from different companies as well as sweepstakes slots. The most recent sweepstakes for real money on this website come from various companies. They include Food Network, Ellen Degeneres Show, Larceny Bourbon, and Betty Crocker. The winning prizes for these sweepstakes online casinos are $5K, $1.5K, $10K, and $10K respectively.

#6 LuckyLand Casino

Online sweepstakes casinos such as LuckyLand Slots offer gamblers an alternative to play sweepstakes online for money. Such sites usually adapt classic sweepstake laws and use gold coins, virtual currency items, to replace real cash. Players can convert their sweepstakes cash into real money later. LuckyLand is a very popular and convenient website for the majority of people. The online sweepstakes casino provides dozens of online slots that are easy to play. Such sweepstakes slots contain Vaults of Valhalla, Amazonia, Buffalo Rush, Enchanted Fairy, and Mardi Gras Money. Each gambling slot is unique and fun to play sweepstakes online for money. Some of them even come in 3D version. If you want to hit huge wins and have an entertaining experience in online sweeps casinos, you can visit this website.

Why Play Sweepstakes Casino Games?

There is a number of aspects that you need to know about sweepstakes games. Most of the time regular gambling players questioning the reasoning behind players who prefer sweepstakes over casino games. Two factors affect their decision the most. The first one is that online sweepstakes slot machines are free of charge and they are legal. It is one of the characteristics that makes them very lethal in terms of customer satisfaction. The reason for that is the accessibility which we lack when it comes to online gambling games.

In most cases where it is illegal to enter gambling sites, online sweepstakes slot machines are available. As the famous saying suggests ” the best ability is availability” and that is what you can get by playing sweepstakes. The second reason is interrelated to the first one because while being available to all players, sweepstakes can also compensate those players’ lack of gambling adventures in online platforms. Their structure and graphics are almost as exciting as regular slots, that is why they can replace those games and become a great alternative.

It is a stereotype that just because you are not playing directly with real money, sweepstakes games are not as exciting as regular gambling slot machines. However, keep in mind that these games are designed by the same online casino software providers that are launching regular casino games. The effects, storylines, type of games, and entertainment value is the same for both of them. Although you cannot directly deposit real money, you can still earn sweeps coin pries that can be converted into your local or the desirable currency at any time after you comply with the playthrough requirements.


In conclusion, many players consider online sweepstakes to be one of the most fun and easy methods to get money. With a little luck, you may earn a big amount of cash online in minutes. That’s why people want to be aware of the most credible websites that provide internet sweepstakes software to enter. This article gave you information about some of these online websites where you can play and enjoy your experience. Riversweeps Platinium, SweepSheet, Sweepstakes Advantage, Contest Girl, and LuckyLand Casino are among top-rated places where you can either play or get information about recent sweepstakes casino online. Each of these websites offers gamblers to win real money that is worth of $1K-$10K and even more. Another nice aspect is that you do not have to check the websites regularly because you will get emails about new opportunities on a daily or weekly basis.

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