Equipment Slots Osrs


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This guide includes 15 OSRS items that are all extremely useful for a mid level RuneScape account which is between level 50 to level 70 in every skill. There is cheap OSRS gold for sale for you to get some of these items which can be bought with OSRS coins easily. Pages in category ‘Slot tables’ The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total. OldSchool RuneScape (OSRS) Guide To Sarachnis – A Great Supplies Source. About the boss: Sarachnis is a brand new, mid-difficulty boss which was released on 4 of July 2019 and is notable for wide range of supplies drops like seeds, herbs, uncuts high tier ores etc.


Equipment Slots Osrs Ge

This API is a recent release, using data from the osrsbox-db project - which has been in active development since 2017. This feature-packed API is the newest addition to the services provided. Get reliable, updated, and accurate data for OSRS projects with the following headline features.

JSON File Format

Get extensive item, equipment, weapon, monster and prayer data in the popular JSON file format. Also get icons in base64 format.

Web App Friendly

Internet accessible, web programming friendly API for you OSRS project that needs item/monster data and icons.

Rich API Queries

Write detailed, rich queries to filter, sort, project and group data that is strictly validated for items, monsters and prayers.

Completely Open Source

Open source project with code on GitHub. Completely free to use, but feel free to donate to help with server costs.

Passionate Developer

Serious-ish, security concious, solo (full-stack!) developer, with a part-time OSRS addiction, and upsettingly... a real job as well.

Kiwi with Laser Eyes

Sadly, this project has nothing to do with kiwi birds that have lasers for eyes. But it would be a lot cooler if it did!


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Gargoyles are combat level 111 monsterslocated in the basement and top floor of the Slayer Tower, north-west ofCanifis. They require level 75 slayer level to be harmed and the gargoyles inthe basement can only be fought on a slayer task. Unlike normal enemies, andsimilar to a earlier slayer task enemy the rock slug, they cannot be defeatedunless you have either a rockhammer, a rock thrownhammer or a granite hammer todeal the final blow once they are below 10 hp. Unless you have the gargoylesmasher perk, purchasable from Slayer masters for 120 Slayer points you will have to use yourrock/ granite based weapon on the gargoyles to defeat them. In this guide Iwill cover best techniques for fighting them as a slayer task, and also covertheir use a decent/ passive money maker.


Not too many requirements other than 75slayer and enough slayer points or gp to purchase the hammer items and gargoylesmasher perk mentioned in the introduction. A rockhammer is 500 gp from aslayer master and a similar price on the GE so need to use the other hammersunless you happen to have them anyway. Because of the slayer tower beinglocated north-west of Canifis in Morytania you will also need to have completedthe quest Priest in Peril to gain access to this area. For the best moneymaking setup I'll be using Barrows equipment but Bandos equipment can also beused, so 22k/ hr repair costs will be needed. The slayer ring is the bestteleportation method and it brings you directly to the front of the tower. Ifyou want to use the Ectophial teleport to get to the tower then completion ofthe Ghosts Ahoy quest is required, alternatively partial completion of theFairy Tale II quest for accessing fairy rings C.K.S being the closest. If youdon't have or aren't willing to gain access to those two teleportation methodsthen there are a few tabs you can use such as: Kharyrll, Salve Graveyard orFenkenstrain Castle teleports. 43 prayer for protection spells is optional.Combat recommendations are 80+ attack, strength anddefence. For money making you should have magic 55 for the high levelalchemy spell, this will maximise profits. 61 agility will give you access tothe spike chain shortcut which leads you straight to the second floor of theslayer tower.

Gear and Setup

For this guide I will use Guthan theInfested's equipment obtainable from the barrows minigame, but as previouslymentioned you can use any Barrows or Bandos armour. The set effect of Guthan'sarmour is health restorative so you should be able to remain at gargoyles foran extended period (you should still bring food as the effect doesn't alwaystrigger). You can choose to have different armour then and weapon then switchto full Guthans to use its set effect, removing any one item will make the setnot as good as other options so bring your best melee setup and switch it outif you wish. Lots of good food such as sharks is needed if not using the fullset. You should also have the slayer helmet or nose peg to negate the effectsof the aberrant spectres. Some nature and fire runes to cast high level alchemyon loot. Also have the rockhammer or other hammer mentioned in requirements inyour inventory. For the necklace slot you should use the amulet of torture, ora fury/ glory are cheaper alternatives. Radas blessing gives good prayer bonusbut any prayer bonus giving item is good for the ammo slot. Use the berserkerring in ring slot (imbued if possible), and barrows gloves or ferocious glovesin gloves spot. For boots, either primordial or dragon boots will suffice. Havesome empty inventory slots for the drops. You could also bring a some combatpotions and maybe 1 dose of stamina potion if you have low agility and thuscan't use the agility shortcut.

Equipment Slots Rs3

How to slay Gargoyles

If you arrive outside the slayer tower justenter it via the front entrance, if you wish to fight gargoyles for a slayertask in the basement then just run north until you reach a ladder, go down itand you will find gargoyles in the north-east of the basement. To fight them onthe roof and if you have 61 agility just run around in a north-west directionuntil you reach the chain which will take you there, otherwise once you reachthe chain just run around the entire ground floor in a clockwise direction,watching out for aberrant spectres so make sure you have the slayer helm ornose peg equipped, eventually in the south-east of the ground floor you willcome to some stairs climb up those. In the second floor you should run counterclockwise around until you reach a brown door, go through them, go up thestairs to your south-west and run east to the gargoyles. When you come up viathe chain (making sure you have either the slayer helm or nose peg equipped)you will see a staircase immediately to your south-west (the same as the onesfrom the longer method). Climb up the stairs then run east to find thegargoyles. If you have 71 agility there is another spiked chain agilityshortcut available on the second floor in the infernal mage room, this willtake you to the top floor closer to the gargoyle location, this can also beused in reverse with level 61 agility to return to the ground floor. Allagility challenges can be boosted if need be although this should be plannedout correctly beforehand to maximise gear and inventory space.

Equipment Slots Osrs Games

Equipment Slots Osrs

Fighting gargoyles is relativelystraightforward, as mentioned when it gets below10hp you must use the hammeryou bought with you on it unless you have the gargoyle smasher perk which willdo it for you automatically. They are weak to crush style attacks so you usepound if using Guthan's warspear or any crush style attack on your alternativeweapon. It's worth knowing that gargoyles can't be cannoned and you will beprevented from doing so.You should gain around 10k slayer xp/hr and around 37ktotal melee xp. Depending on your combat skill levels and general efficiencyyou can expect to earn around 300k gp an hour assuming 85 kills an hour,although this will vary quite a lot based on drop frequencies. The higher valuedrops, granite maul and mystic robe top (dark) can both be high alched as theprice is very close to trading price, other drops such as the various items ofrune armour can be alched also, though you should check the price differenceisn't too great. It drops the following runes: fire (75 or 150), chaos (30) anddeath (15), these should be kept as they are stackable so don't take up muchspace. Other good drops include, steel, gold and mithril bars aswell as goldand runite ores, although the best drop will be its coin drops ranging from 400up to 10k gp with a high to uncommon chance of all. Only leave if you need foodor wish to move on to other methods, using Guthans should allow you to staythere a very long time if used correctly, although due to the random nature ofthe sets effect you could eventually get unlucky enough to have to leave. Justbank and return via the aforementioned methods if you do. Because this is highlevel slayer/ combat you shouldn't expect to see many other players too often, especiallyin the roof where it isn't usable by those specifically fighting gargoyles forthe slayer task.